is going to be down for maintenance 08 mar 2025

Directed Acyclic Graph, known as a Dag or Tangle using the same Cryptography as Bitcoin to sign and secure transactions: Secp256k1 Elliptic Curve. Achieving a known state of the network by hibernating transactions that are 10 minute old. Once transactions are hibernating they cannot be altered. as a result, the state of the network is known as of 10 minutes ago.
I read, write, listen, give and give and give !I have to say no.I'm feeling hate.And despair.But I'm scared to say no."No" feels like I'm saying, "I will never succeed."I'm scared to say it.To say no means maybe hurting someone who will then trash me.Am I turning down an opportunity? Will the gods of good fortune no longer look at me with hope and optimism? And what will I do with my "no"? By :ME. addresses